The punk subculture emerged in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa in the mid-to-late-1970s. The origins of Punk in the mid-1970s lay in the realities of disaffected working-class urban youth with little hope of employment, housing, and a meaningful future. Originally, the punk movement came about as a way for people to express their views towards political and social issues. The outrageous clothing and hairstyles were indicative of the youthful rebellion at the time, and stood as a way for punks to differentiate themselves from the masses.


Black leather, studs, chains, mufti fabrics, greyed sweated out black T shirts, bondage animal print bum flaps, military boots, tight leather pants and leg straps epitomise some of the looks that immediately spring to mind when thinking of the early punks. 


In the United Kingdom, a great deal of punk fashion from the 1970s was based on the designs of Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren and the Bromley Contingent. Mainstream punk style was influenced by clothes sold in Malcolm McLaren's shop SEX. Most Punk’s hairstyles were unnatural, dyed, cut it into Mohawks or other dramatic shapes and often spiked, with personal decoration in the form of safety pins, body piercing, and dangling chains.

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